Honda NSR 250SE for salse

1994 Honda nsr250 se on ebay

1994 Honda nsr250 se and it looks immaculate! Location: VISALIA, CA (yup, you guessed it……it’s at Larry’s house) Mileage: 11,800 miles Price: $510.00 current bid with reserve FIRMLY in place. Ah yes, another super nice bike for sale from Larry’s stable. No, I don’t know Larry personally, but I hear he is a super nice…

Mint 1996 Smoking Joe CBR600

Mint 1996 Smoking Joe CBR600 Boy, how times have changed.  Remember when big tobacco sponsored lots of race teams?  I wonder if a tobacco company still sponsored a team if they’d even produce  a replica of it?  Ducati didn’t even put Marlboro stickers on the team edition of the Desmosdeci.  Political correctness aside, this CBR is…

1988 Honda NSR250 MC18 in OR

1988 Honda NSR250 MC18 in OR A smokers delight hiding in Oregon.  It doesn’t mention if it is titled but appears to have plates on it.  Among some Honda fans the MC18 is considered the closest replica to Honda’s race bikes (excluding the RS’s series of course).  Looks like he is asking $3,800 and might consider…