1994 Honda RVF400 For Sale in San Fran

Back on the market, here’s a great looking 1994 Honda RVF400 For Sale on the Bay Area Riders Forum: quote from seller’s listing on the BARF forum: 1994 Honda RVF400 NC35 $7.4k CA titled w/ current registrations. The bike has correct digit VIN# and is titled as a Honda RVF400. Not in hurry to sell…

1992 Honda NSR250R SE MC21 For Sale

Here’s a beauty 2 stroker for sale in the bay area (of course, the land of rare sportbikes!). Check out this really clean looking Honda NSR250 For Sale: Here’s a quote from the seller’s post on USA2Strokers: current Calif. license and registration, Super Edition has the adjustable suspension, motor unrestricted w/Kiss box and expansion chambers…