Featured Listing: 1990 Honda NSR250R MC21

Update 3.4.2017: SOLD in 2 days! Contact us for a $59 Featured Listing if you’d like similar exposure from Rare SportBikes For Sale! dan@motoringblogs.com It’s no secret that the staff of RSBFS believe that two strokes were a gift from the gods to enable mere mortals to perform acts of speed not otherwise possible. Pound…

X-Rated! 1979 Honda CBX

In the world of bike porn, there are many shapes and sizes. And while most lust-worthy machines are built from the ground up to become a whole – frame, suspension, motor, bodywork – the outrageous, plus sized Honda CBX seems to be a machine totally built around the motor. The first gen CBX made no…

Hello Beastie: 1991 Honda CBR1000F

1991 Honda CBR1000F on eBay In the late 1980’s/early 1990’s the major Japanese motorcycle manufactures all seemed to follow the same 3-level market segment philosophy.  At the bottom end were the learner bikes of 125cc or 250cc,  in the middle were the 750cc machines including Limited Edition repli-racers that could go to the track with…

Endurance: 1979 Honda CB900F DHOLDA Edition

Among the modifiers, tuners and hot rodders of the motorcycle world, the lines can be drawn between the majors and the minors. The majors contain those that made the jump beyond tuner – be it kit producer or full-fledged manufacturer. I’m thinking the likes of Rickman, Bimota, Spondon, Harris, NCR and the like. The minors…

Odd Import: 1983 Honda MVX250F

In the world of import two strokes, you may be intimately familiar with RGs, NSRs, RZs and the like. What you don’t hear much about is the MVX. One of the oddities of the popcorn set, the MVX represents Honda’s engineering might coupled with a healthy dose of experimentalism. Unlike the RD/RZ/RG set with parallel…