Titled 1994 ? Suzuki RGV250SP ? on Ebay

Titled 1994 ? Suzuki RGV250SP ? on Ebay Did you notice the question marks?  Well, I have a lot of questions about this RGV up for auction on Ebay.  My biggest question is: is this really an SP?  As it sits in the pictures, it is not.  I do not see the dry clutch (mentioned…

Graves 1995 175hp GSXR1100 Street Legal

Chuck Graves’ kitted 1995 GSXR1100 I’ll admit right off the top here, I’d love to get my hands on some of the kit bits on this thing.  I’m a sucker for hard to find race parts and it looks like this GSXR has more than a few, and some pricey ones at that.  The  kit aluminum tank, kit transmission…

1983 Suzuki RG250 Gamma In Florida

This is the first of the modern Suzuki two-strokes and it’s available in Florida!  Located in Hollywood, Florida is a 1983 Suzuki RG250 Gamma.  I know, when you have a rare bike, you only need to advertise what you have and a phone number but, we potential buyers could use some more information!  The seller…