Featured Listing: 1996 Honda NSR250R SE for Sale

Update 5.2.2018: SOLD in just over 12 hours! Congratulations to buyer and seller! -dc For the most part, we try to post up the very best, most unmolested examples of rare and interesting sportbikes for sale. But once in a while, we color outside the lines a bit and share something more personal, something customized…

Rare Colors: Cali-Titled 1989 Kawasaki KR-1S in Zeus Blue for Sale

They’re relatively rare here in the US, even in states with lax registration requirements, but late 80s and early 90s quarter-liter two-strokes were pretty widely available elsewhere in the sportbiking world, considering their narrowly-focused role and limited audience. Kawasaki was largely absent from the intense class rivalry during that period, though. Their earlier KR250 was…