Pugilist: 2003 BMW Boxer Cup

I know there are some RSBFS faithful out there that refuse to believe a BMW can be sporty OR rare. I beg to differ. As such, I offer you this 2003 Boxer Cup machine, created by BMW to capitalize on what was essentially a one-make Battle Of The Twins series. As #172 in a 200-bike…

Featured Listing: 1989 Honda VFR400R

Update 4.12.2017: Sale confirmed with seller. 3 hours from published to sold! Congratulations to buyer and seller! If you have a rare sportbike for sale, model years 1980ish to 2004ish, consider our Featured Listing service for $59. Email me to see to get started: dan@motoringblogs.com People often tend to think great visual design is the…

Featured Listing: 2006 Honda CRF450 Super Single

It is a marriage most unusual. Take a long-travel motocross machine and give it a real hard look. What do you see? To some, it is far more than a dirt bike. Some see a lightweight chassis and a torquey motor. Some picture it with modified suspension bits to bring the overall height closer to…

Hot Air: 1982 Honda CX500 Turbo

Imagine the scene in Honda dealerships back in 1982: Buck Rogers – your bike is ready. One can only imagine what the buying public thought of a futuristic, turbocharged rocket ship that offered liter-bike power in a 500cc format. Unfortunately, the reaction from the general public was not to immediately rip open their wallets and…

Krazy Rare: 1989 Kawasaki KR-1

When it comes to quarter liter two stroke imports, the usual suspects are in (relatively) plentiful supply. While never officially available in the US, all sorts of fine, Japanese and Italian hardware make it to our shores thanks to creative individuals, and of course, our friends up in Canada. We usually don’t go a month…

What We’re Watching – April 9, 2017

Welcome to What We’re Watching. This feature highlights some of the auctions we are following – especially those that are about to close. Handy if you’re curious about where values are going, or just want to snipe in at the last minute to score a deal! 2002 Ducati 998 If it’s after lunch in California,…