Featured Listing: 1989 Honda NSR250R in Canada

What do you have when you locate a nice NSR250R MC18 in Canada? You have a cool smoker that is *almost* in the States. And while Quebec may seem very far away from your US-based locale, it is quicker and easier to bring a tasty bit of forbidden fruit down from Canada than to import…

Featured Listing: 1991 Honda VFR400R in Canada!

Hot on the heels of this Featured Listing VFR400R that sold in just 3 hours, we find a Canadian NC30 that is looking for a new home. Since these models have never been officially imported into the US as a federalized vehicle, we have to source them from somewhere else. Therefore, allow me to introduce…

Pugilist: 2003 BMW Boxer Cup

I know there are some RSBFS faithful out there that refuse to believe a BMW can be sporty OR rare. I beg to differ. As such, I offer you this 2003 Boxer Cup machine, created by BMW to capitalize on what was essentially a one-make Battle Of The Twins series. As #172 in a 200-bike…