This is a California titled and registered MC18 NSR250!
Bike: 1989 Honda NSR250(R)
Price: $5,000 USD
Location: Vallejo, California
Mileage: 23,000km (14,291mi)
This seller states that this bike has never been down and is registered for road use. The seller also states that the only thing that isn’t original on this bike is a fairing that was replaced but, it looks to have been repainted and has a solid windscreen. The bike does have 23,000km. The seller states “I am asking $5,000 OBO, I am aware that it is worth a lot more…”; From the MC18’s we’ve seen, this bike is priced quite high in regards to condition but, it does have a California title so it’s worth looking into. See the other MC18 posts here. See this bike on Craigslist here.