Got Wayne? 1985 Yamaha RZ500 in Florida

RSBFS is on a RZ500 roll these days, and here is another gorgeous V4 smoker. Unlike the stock bikes found last week, this particular example appears to be a well-built hot rod and sports the awesome Marlboro colors reminiscent of the glory days of Wayne Rainey. This bike has a lot of high-end pieces on…

California Gold Rush: 1984 Yamaha RZV500R

This beautiful RZV500R tops off a trifecta of RZ500 goodness this week. Unlike the previous two examples which were offered up as stock examples, this bike has been carefully worked over in a way that makes grown men weak in the knees. Starting with a Japanese spec RZV aluminum chassis, this RZ has been de-restricted…

Borderline: Stock 1985 Yamaha RZ500 in Canada

RZ500 models from Yamaha are a continual RSBFS fan favorite, and here is an interesting one. Purported to be stock with the usual wear and tear, this one has 20k+ miles, with an engine rebuild fewer than 500 miles ago. The seller doesn’t state how comprehensive the rebuild was (top end only? rings? overbore?), but…

The Love Fest Continues: 1988 Yamaha FZR400 in Alaska

It’s springtime across the country, and great bikes are popping up everywhere like spring flowers. We have seen a significant number of great looking FZR400s emerge from winter hibernation. And this particular Alaskan Fizzer comes with spares. LOTS of spares. Yes, it has been tracked. Probably a ton of track days. But isn’t that the…