We’ve seen this bike before but it’s traveled across the country and the asking price has gone down since we last saw it just over a year ago! Located in Farmingdale, New York is a 1991 Honda NSR250 SE with 4,039 miles. This bike was last seen on 11/15/08 in Las Vegas, Nevada with 4,000 miles and an asking price of $6,300. The asking price is now a very agreeable $4,600 OBO. Caution should be taken as this ad lists a Nevada phone number in the contact information; however, it could be entirely possible that the seller from the original ad moved to New York and has re-listed it–unlikely as it may be. The picture in the ad is different, but I just caution buyers because this may be stolen text and a similar picture with a lowered asking price. This is a Super Edition bike with the dry clutch and adjustable suspension. Some of the graphics on the bike have been removed. If I haven’t scared you away, see the ad on Craigslist here. See the original RSBFS ad here.