Made for Japan: 1984 Yamaha RZV500R

The Japanese home market for sport motorcycles is the stuff of dreams for those of us based in the US. Some of the best and most extreme examples of high-tech performance sadly never makes it out of the country of origin when it comes to the Big Four. Take the V4 two-stroke RZ500 from Yamaha.…

Bargain or Basket Case? 1985 Yamaha RZ500

RSBFS is all about the rare machine in exceptional condition. This is NOT that kind of post. This is, shall we say, an experiment. As many of our readers exhibit extensive mechanical knowledge, how about a rare and desirable bike that requires a little bit of work? Put on your rose-colored “I can see the…

Time Capsule: 1984 Yamaha RZ500

There is no doubt that RSBFS show the love for the big RZ. One of the most popular bikes searched for on the site, the Yamaha RZ500 combines race-boy naughty looks with a twin-crank V4 two-stroke, enough pipes sticking out the back to warn off possible tailgaters, and a GP-inspired 16″ front wheel to reduce…

Thawed: 1984 Yamaha RZ500

In many parts of the country, it would appear that a wet winter has relented to an early summer. Warmer temperatures seem to prevail, which leads to more riding, sooner in the year. This particular RZ500 – the model a shoe-in for top 10 bikes searched by RSBFS readers – was a Canadian import now…