Best Replica Yet? Mick Costin Yamaha RZ500/YZR500 Marlboro Replica
What a couple of months for YZR replicas! Each one seems to get better. In my humble opinion this is the one to own. I remember stumbling across the Microproducts website and just weeping knowing I couldn’t afford one. I honestly don’t know how well they are constructed, the quality of components or how they handle. What I do know is that they are visually the best replica I’ve seen of a YZR500.
Some of it is exotic, some isn’t. You’ve got a custom frame housing a mildly breathed on RZ500 engine. A TZR supplied the swing arm and forks are RGV units. Subframe is all custom. Custom tank? Nope, it is off a VFR400. I don’t know if the fairings are the real thing or copies but they are from a 1996 YZR500. The tail section is from an RS250. That is quite a mix and match project. I wonder what the fit and finish looks like in person?
It just looks the business. I’m actually surprised they haven’t done a RGV500 replica with a proper frame and RG500 engine.
How about that for some tail?
What RZ or RG owner hasn’t dreamed of a frame like this? Here is some advice Yamaha and Suzuki. Dust off the cobwebs of your two stroke department. Grab some old engines and plug them up anyway you need to, to meet environmental standards. Proceed to stick them in a modern frame. Give us two versions please: one can be a 1990’s GP replica and one can be a more modern version. You will sell every damn one of them. We will unplug them on our own, don’t worry.
Well we all know my pissing and moaning on here won’t get us any new two strokes so you might have to look here for satisfaction. How much to play? Roughly $30,000. Oh and shipping from Australia. Yep, they are down under. They are open to offers on this one though. Make room in your garage and buy it here.
Now are you thinking, “I like it but I still know it isn’t a YZR”?
Now that looks like it fell off a Yamaha race trailer! They are apparently building a replica of a 1990 YZR500 for a customer. To do so they have created this replica frame. I’m keeping my fingers crossed they stick something in there more exotic than a RZ500 engine.
Grab a tissue and enjoy:
Did anyone see a wet or dry weight on these bikes? Any idea how much power these bikes are putting out? some of them have “stage 3” porting and other engine mods…..I’m guessing between 100rwhp and 120rwhp. Not a whole bunch of power but if they are as light as I think they are….
Most of the really trimmed down alloy frame replicas end up in the 330 to 340lb range.
A little more with street trim pieces on – about 350lbs.
The heavily tuned ones are anywhere from 100rwhp to 120rwhp. The real choice is reliability and streetability vs pure race “replica”. About 90rwhp is more the norm for the mildy tuned motors.
I have a YZR rep in the works. A Costin frame would shave about 40lbs off the current setup. But comes at a $5000 price tag LOL.
[…] that feature the sponsorship of big tobacco companies such as this Lucky Strike RGV250SP and this Marlboro Yamaha RZ500 replica featured recently on the site. Ok, so maybe plastering a harmful product on the side of a bike […]