1990 Yamaha FZR 400
Located in Concord, NC
Price: $3,800.00 asking price.
Okay.. so since Dan informed me two weeks ago that my beloved 400’s are not rare and he only told me that after I spent my life’s saving on a 1990 with 8,058 miles. And then to make it worse when I was trying to sell my 89 400 there were 4 others on ebay at the same freaking time!!! I hate it when he is right…..
I have to believe the $3,800 asking price is pretty far fetched for any 400 in any condition. This one is sporting 41,000 miles and looks to be in decent shape considering how far it’s traveled.
Have a look and you can make the jump here to pick this one up if you have that warm fuzzy feeling about it.
Ha! I keed, I keed!