This entry has been published on March 17, 2014 and links to eBay may have been updated to point to similar bikes of interest.
If you are a buyer, seller, enthusiast, or an expert: tell me how we can make the comment areas of our website a better place to be for all parties. Are there comment features on other websites that we should consider? Should we talk about guidelines for comments?
Leave a comment below or send me an email privately:
Thanks for taking the time to help out!
the only potential change I might think of, would be if it was possible for direct replies to be kind of threaded. Meaning if a person said certain notable details about a machine, someone else had an addition or correction or any kind of directed response, a reader could see those responses as such instead of with @soandso-I found X and have to trace back as to what thing was being responded to.
Also, do not go with Discus….
I’ve bought and sold 10 bikes in the last 8 years, and have had most featured on this site. I believe there are some very intellegent folks that add information regarding the listings that are very helpful, for better or worse, to the seller or potential buyer. There are also a few haters that think every bike listed is overpriced or pick things apart for no benefit to seller of buyer. Everyone has an opinion about likes, dislikes, and value. The market usually will dictate value. All viewers of this site share a common passion for rare sport bikes that we would all dream of owning or riding. This site concentrates that passion, and we need to thank raresportbikesforsale. I hope that when bikes are featured on the site the responses are factual, accurate, and appropiate. Sellers should be happy their bike was listed, and buyers should feel fortunate for the information provided.
I don’t know if this is possible but one issue with the comments is that you have to drill into it to see whats been said. Also the comments display oldest first. It would be nice if below the pic, a portion of the most recent comment was shown which when clicked upon would open the full comment text and all previous comments.
I agree with Jeff. The comments from the informed contributors is the main reason I read this site every morning. I have learned alot from reading them, good or bad.