King’s Dominion – 1985 Yamaha RZ350

Undersized pictures haven’t shrunk interest in this low mileage rider in central PA. This KR signature edition has some interesting updates, plus all the original parts. 1985 Yamaha RZ350 for sale on eBay The liquid cooled 350 was the last gasp for the two-stroke, at least stateside.  It had an early power valve system, 18-inch…

Smoother – 1994 Yamaha FZR1000

As the 80’s turned into the 90’s, Yamaha’s superbike had ceded some of the sportiest territory but evolved into a mile-eating GT. Today’s has a few choice additions and the original colors in very good shape. 1994 Yamaha FZR1000 for sale on eBay Genesis and EXUP can’t be found on current Yamaha’s, but back in…