Barber Vintage Festival Weapon: 1963 Honda CR77 Replica
It is that time of year again. The Barber Vintage Festival is just around the corner and I thought this little beast would get you in the spirit. Even if vintage bikes aren’t your thing I really recommend attending. This event will win you over. There are so many different bikes circulating the track or on display that your head will be on a constant swivel. If you are on the fence the weather forecast for Saturday the 8th is a high of 79 and sunny: perfection.
Now that I’ve done my advertising for Barber lets look at this thing. Let me start by asking anyone who is really in the know on vintage Honda’s to please comment and/or correct any errors. For such an intensive project there is a serious lack of info in the auction. The basics are that this is a replica of a 1963 Honda CR77.
What is a CR77? They were 305cc parallel twin production racers. Now, when most people see “production” they think available to the public. From what I read CR77’s were never made available to the public (mostly sold to race teams) and were quite exotic for their day. They appeared in couple of different engine and frame configurations. They shared little, if anything, with production CB’s. Here is a great site on the subject of Honda racers of the day.
Classic lines. Here is where I need help from the Honda men. The seller states that this bike includes some parts from an RC77. I’m not finding much of any info on the web about a RC77. Was there a factory version of this bike that was an “RC’? Or are we just mixing up “CR” and “RC”?
So what is real and what is replica? I don’t have a freakin clue! I wish the seller had provided more info on the build. To my amateur eye, it looks like a build that no expense was spared. Am I correct restorers?
1960’s era fuel injection: a carburetor. Remember those?
More tech nostalgia, drum brakes.
Basically I want you guys to chime in and tell me what exactly we have here. Is this replica built from authentic CR77 parts or is it made from newly fabricated parts to look like a CR77? Was their such a thing as a RC77? Help me out here. It is priced with a BIN of $25,000. That price would make me think it is mostly fabricated parts. Snap it up here and head off to Barber a happy man.