We’ve seen lots of investor quality, Italian motorcycles from this seller on RSBFS. This is the first Honda he’s offered I believe, and the condition looks excellent in the photographs.
Have a good weekend all and looking forward to the comments on this one!
1988 Honda RC30 VFR750R for sale on eBay
from the seller:
VIN 2000468
Iconic 80’s Superbike for the road. This sample is in very good conditions, just serviced, new battery and new tyres. It was fitted in the period with desiderable sport kit (sport cammeshafts). Just 14000kms (less than 9000miles). Originally sold new in Italy and still with Italian documents.
Maybe the EyeTies did not have an official RC30 import – that might even be a Japanese market bike with a “this is really similar to The VFR750F so please allow me to import it” RC24 VIN number stuck on it.
Whilst not a collector standard bike,this would make an excellent weekend blaster.There is more to this bike than the ebay description reveals.He only mentions camshafts,but clearly,this bike has a very rare HRC radiator,intake duct and steering damper.These are only the visible items.Who knows what other HRC parts could be fitted but not mentioned.I would say it worth around $25,000 u.s.
Ciao Dan,
thanks for your words on my bikes, i appreciate.
for the market.
I try always to get something interesting
All the best
Stile Italiano SRL
Just out of curiosity …….Why would is this not a “collector standard bike”?
You are absolutely correct
All the best
Can someone vouch for this seller? I’m very interested in bidding on this RC30, but have no clue as to this seller’s integrity /reputation
whos to say whoever “vouches” for them is trust worthy? as always and forever, buyer beware
Gianluca: I suspect I’m not the only one struggling to understand exactly what this particular RC30 represents. You have provided so little information, that a potential buyer will be forced to guess or ask you a dozen questions just to get a handle on it and determine the value.
I’ll start with my immediate thoughts- it first appears to be a nice looking RC30. Second and most important: is this an ex-race bike converted back to street with mint bodywork, or has it been a street bike it’s whole history? The camshafts and sport kit you refer to strongly suggest former race bike, as does the unmentioned HRC radiator, intake duct, and steering damper. More puzzling…these are expensive internal and external pure race parts, yet the there is a stock exhaust system installed! How can that possibly be a good running combination? Confusing.
The minor things like missing rear turn signals, and aftermarket bar end weights are less important than there being no pictures provided showing what’s underneath the bodywork, and no history or maintenance mentioned. Does it look like a race bike with the bodywork off? Air box intake mods or not? Subframe lightened/changed? Or are all original street parts there and correct, including the tool kit? That would have answered a lot and only have taken 30 minutes to do. Why wouldn’t a seller do that on a roughly $25K motorcycle, forcing buyers to take an expensive gamble on the unknown? A thorough and professional presentation would have better served both seller and potential buyers.
thanks for your message, i appreciate and you are right.
This bike was owned originally by a worthy guy in Firenze who bought just to ride it to the Cafe’ on sunday morning but he wanted to have a special one. He asked Moreno Pescucci (still today Honda dealer today) to fit some “race bits” and he had the camshafts, radiator etc fitted but keeping the bike looking totally original. He kept the bike for 14 years (1k kms per year!) then he sold to a customer of mine who kept it in collection unused since today. Now the bike is in my shop and it was just serviced with new oils, battery and tyres.
No service history (this is common in Italy, nobody keeps service history!) and no toolkit.
All the best
Ciao Pat,
i cannot talk for my “reputation/integrity” but i can give you some reference of customers/friends from US who have bought from me important bikes like Britten (yes Britten!), Supermono’s, Ducati’s SBK, Laverda SFC’s, Parilla DOHC, MV dohc, etc etc
You can do your own check then.
As BILL PERIS says,”Everyone has their own level of detail.”
Which Britten did you sell ??????
Britten #003, the only one black/yellow.
Sixth Gear is right . I would want some pictures of underneath the bodywork , regardless of what the seller claims . Also no service history….sounds fishy ! Plus 14 kms….1 per year .It is very easy if it was an ex race bike to have run 14 kms up on break-in …..then obviously removed the speedo and other stuff to race it . When dumping big money on a bike like this one needs to always be suspicious . Just saying ! I wish the seller luck , but I also think people should do their homework .
Does anyone here have experience importing non US spec bikes into the country? Would seem to fall in two categories: getting over here (shipper, customs etc), then titling and paperwork here in the states to make legal on US roads? Easy, hard, watch outs? Asking for a friend who continues to bug me to sell him my RC30.
14k kms, not 14kms. 1000 km per year, not 1 km per year.
OK , OK Adam ! I get it now . Still stands though my suspicion that the speedo could have been removed early on it life and that it could have seen the track too .