Starting today, we are changing focus at RSBFS to more closely reflect the sportbikes and customs that our readers are actually interested in. We constantly receive feedback that the bikes we select for this site are “nice” but don’t really represent what people are buying and collecting, and that all changes now! As our following grows, we want to grow with it and that means an even higher standard needs to be set. I think you’ll agree that we’re up for that challenge and look forward to bringing you, our faithful readers, the best of the bikes you can actually see yourself buying, riding, and loving!
Thanks to all our readers for their continued support and we welcome new sponsor opportunities to fit our new direction!
Dan Crouch, owner of RSBFS
April fools. Man you guys had me going there for a minute!!!!
Whoa….. you had for a min there…. I’m thinking “Shit, my favorite morning start point just lost it’s freaking mind!”
Then I realize it’s April 1…. forgot that as Mother Nature is playing one last joke and dropping 5 inches of snow on us in the NE.
Nice one…. Happy April’s Fools day!
Good one.
got me for one post, the second one i got it
Was just getting ready to leave a nastygram for you, but I guess I’m a little slow on the humor uptake. Nice. You got me. Big time.
That 57 trike is a good example of what direction the board should move in!
happy April 1
Thanks for making my day, I was supposed to go riding today, but my buddy had to take care of work, os i was bummed until this> April fools! fun!
Well played gentlemen, well played.
Hook, line and sinker! Don’t freaking change a thing! Way to go! Even logged in to facebook to write a message! Whew…
i bought 2 shirts. cant imagine a trike thing picture logo stretched across my back. tried a search for more like these one offs and thankfully came up short.
almost ruined my day. i have an aprilia rs125 and fzr 400 because of you guys.
I was expecting to see that YSR-50 with the RZ-350 motor & nitros that I emailed to you guys awhile back…
You guys are funnier than hell. That was good!
I like the new format better –
Totally got me! I came here to express my displeasure but instead I have to say that you got me!
i wasn’t fooled! there is no way you could make this site any better than it already was!
Wow…that was a good one. I was just about to write you guys a mail and say WTF!
Nice…love this site. Check it every day.
I like the new direction…sick of seeing all those stupid European Guzzi, Bimota, Ducati….nothing but rich people’s crap that no real enthusiast could ever hope to afford. Keep up the great new format. Might throw in a few rat bikes as well. Thanks for changing to keep more in touch with the common man.
Thank goodness you’ve finally heard the voice of america! I ran right to my garage, rolled my 93 900ss and 06 999s straight to the trash to make room for some of THESE babies!
Got Me ! I was pissed. No other site like this one DON’T F-it up or I’ll really will get pissed.
Good one! I couldn’t believe my eyes!! I was thinking WTH (heck) is going on with these guys? I’m not gonna keep going to this site every morning if they put trikes up on here… lol forever, nice work!
I was ready to delete my bookmark . . . good one!
I was just thinking about a nasty email with “take me off the subscription list” and “cartoons” that are ruining the M/C world!! I figgered next I was going to be Jesse James and OCC. Thank God!!! it was all an April Fools joke. Even tho my ride is a 1200 Goldwing, I think I can blame that on getting closer to 60 and needing something more apropos for an old man. Sure wish I still had that old ’78 CB 750 F!!
Gotta go!! Gotta head up to the drug store for some Geritol and Fixodent! ‘Remember when it was some weed and a sixer!!! OH well next it’ll be a grave site!~
Peace and Blessings! an old hippie near seattle