We get a lot of fan mail about how our website has corrupted many a checking account and spoiled countless marriages, and we are always very flattered. This one though is a real beaut and I figured I’d share:
I don’t know who came up with the idea for your site but I really need you to take it down. I can’t remember how I accidently stumbled across it but it wasn’t my fault. I use to think about all the great bikes (RC30, RC45,OW31,OW01,OW02,RG500, NC30,TZ250, Etc…Etc…) I would love to own and knew they were all taken (like most Supermodels) Now that I have found this site my life has not been the same as I find myself on here every day (Several times a day) and today was the last straw when I saw the latest RC30 for sale. My mind is not my own and you have ruined my life. I have taken my rationalizing to the outer limits of creativity and can only imagine that this is how a crack head must feel looking for his next $20.00 piece. I hate you and am pleading with you to take this site down. You are all ill and very disturbed people and I am appealing to your sense of decency, if you have any left. By the way……is there a phone # to the RC 30? J
Best regards,
Thanks as always for the love everyone and have a good weekend,
awesome! I second that.
Yeah, yeah, com’on; what’s the phone number for that RC?? Com’on…..
While I was corrupted before the site ever appeared, I will agree it’s like a moth to a flame……everyday visit.
Ya, I look at this stupid site 3 times a day too. If my boss only knew how much time I waste looking at this site….