This is about as new as you can probably get anywhere in the world. The seller estimates it may be one of ten that are known to be in the U.S. and I suspect he may be right. While not the usual 2 stroke 250 we often seek out, this one is a 4 stroke that revs to 19k (not a misprint)! So far no bids opening at $5k reserve in place, but I suspect that won’t last long.
1990 Honda CBR250RR For Sale on eBay
quote from the seller:
There aren’t that many CBR250RRs in the states, probably ten. None have 553 miles on them, well, only one does, at least. This 4-cylinder motorcycle has had a long history of sitting and being admired. It is in as perfect a shape as a 23 year-old motorcycle can be.
Everything is original: the tires, the air in the tires. The oil has been changed twice. There is gas in the tank and it runs exactly as it should. The carbs had a good going through, and work fine.
When riding it, one gets to understand just how nice these bikes were when they were new, since everything about this one still is “new”. If you take a CBR600 and scale it down everything on it to 80% of the 600, this is it – low seat height, light controls, light weight.
I haven’t seen what 19,000 rpms feel like quite yet – my teeth start to grit pretty hard around 17,000!
This sat in a Honda dealer in Japan for around 12 years as a display. How would it look in your garage?
Love these and this one is the Beez Kneez!
I actually could see my 6’3″ 235lbs arse parked on there ! What a neat bike . Also in my province of CANADA (Quebec !) it is peanuts to lisence & insure a 250-400 cc machine . A Sportbike cost nearlty $1200 per year just to plate it with our stupid liability insurance ! The smaller machines a paltry $373 gets you plated for the road . Good luck to the seller !
I own same bike same color. This is not a 1990. If that is the original fairing that is a 1992 JDM color. The Gull arm swing arm does fit the age however these were only on the MC22 (1990-1998)
Also RC30FREAK I am also in Quebec with this bike, I own 3 250cc’s for this reason lol.
Yea Keven that looks more like an RC45 style rear. What a beautiful machine.
They are a lot of fun. Best thing is that 18k sound (feels like you’re going really fast but in first 18k translates to about 45mph lol.
Keven, that is indeed an OEM 1990 (L) paint scheme: Type 1, NH-193P. There were four schemes for 1990, two for 1992 (N) and two for 1994 (R). I don’t have the bike, but I do have the Honda Parts Catalog and three original Honda brochures for the MC22 (thanks, Yahoo! Japan Auctions).
That said, I’m not sure why a dealer would want to keep this particular model on display for 12 years, but it appears to be what it is claimed to be.
Seems you are correct vin my bad. Turns our my registration is off by a year lol. Either way I think this is the best colour for these.
[…] was like $12,000 and it sold. I mean check this sexy ass beast out, who wouldn't want this? Super Low Mileage 1990 Honda CBR250RR For Sale in Colorado | Rare SportBikes For Sale Its cheaper to trick out our 250 and try to make it an RR which you never will but at least you […]