This entry has been published on February 10, 2022 and links to eBay may have been updated to point to similar bikes of interest.

What we have here is a rolling hyperbole.  From every angle it is staggering how far removed from our concept of a normal motorcycle it is.  Literally nothing about the bike could be called conventional, standard or typical.  Here at RSBFS we are fortunate to be able to see and share some of the rarest and most amazing motorcycles on the market at a given time.  It is fun to drool over the images and lust after pulling the trigger and becoming an owner.  This Vyrus 985 is as over the top as they come.

Born from a team of Engineers and Designers that worked on the Bimota Tesi 2D project, Vyrus was started in 2001 with the aim of producing some of the most radical motorcycles ever to hit the street.  What really makes a Vyrus special is that it is not just something built to look a specific way.  There is real performance to back these machines up.  In 2011 Vyrus produced a Moto2 bike and showed real speed on track.

Known for the connection to the Bimota Tesi 2D, many assume all Vyrus have an air cooled Ducati L twin.  While that might be the more commonly seen examples, other engines have been used over the years.  This 985 is powered by the liquid cooled 999R engine.  Some have claimed only 25 were produced with this power plant.  It should make for a widely entertaining experience.  No word on if Vyrus squeezed any additional power from the 150 horsepower engine, but even if they did not the massive weight savings would ensure a shaper performance machine.  The 985 is 100 pounds less than the already light 999R.  It is hard to fathom the achievement.

From The Seller’s eBay Listing:

The Italian style.

2008 Vyrus 985
Ducati 999R engined
Telemetry, carbon body discs and wheels.

Amazing opportunity.

This example seems to have had more than a few upgrades added to the original build.  Extensive use of carbon fiber is a given, but carbon discs?  That is unique to see.  The wheels are carbon, as is the subframes.  Billet GP calipers can be seen as well as TTX Ohlins shocks. 

The specifications on this bike are incredible, and even in the world of Vyrus is uber desirable.  The listing is painfully devoid of details or information for a potential buyer to make an informed decision on, but bikes of this caliber normally trade hands privately so it is safe to assume a buyer is going to reach out directly to arrange the conditions of the sale.

Completely in the dark on pricing.  Some claim the cheapest bike Vyrus will build a customer is in the $60,000 range.  Others say no price sheet is available, but a question “Do you have a titanium check book”?  As is often the case with ultra high end vehicles, the used prices are much different then the newly commissioned MSRPs.

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3 years ago

I am having a hard time crafting this comment in a way that is constructive and positive. I have been frustrated for years by purportedly professional writers who mix up than/then, there/their/they’re, brakes/breaks, accept/except, and others I can’t recall just now. I am not a college graduate, nor am I exceptionally intelligent, but I knew what homonyms were by the end of elementary school, and was warned to watch out for them. I guess my frustration stems from expecting people who are paid to do something to be able to do it without mistakes that I deem childish. Sorry, rant over.

3 years ago

This is an ugly motorcycle. At least the Bimota Tesi 3D had a unified look front and back, i.e. it was weird at both ends, but nice. Why emphasize the weird control arms out front by painting them red? And a conventional swingarm at the back? This thing looks like they designed it while they were high, and then had to retreat the next day when they came down.

3 years ago

Agree. When i happened upon this one (had never heard of Vyrus), I initially thought the small thumbnails were of the bike stripped of its bodywork. Dissillusioning to find that is not the case. The engineering is appealling. The aesthetics, for me, are not. Looks like an auction listing for a crashed repo.

3 years ago

These yokes illustrate perfectly what Jay Leno was driving at when he claimed membership of “The more money than brains” club.
Good luck to the guys making and buying them, it’s a broad church, and it’s got some very juicy engineering contained therein, but for the Average Joe or even the average motorcycle magpie it’s hard to see the value, aside from rarity.
I’d still fancy a blast on it!
Regarding the writing/grammar/stuff, personally if I get the drift of what the writer is on about I’m happy, life’s too short to fall out over full stops and syntax and grammatical errors
English is a broad church too, try a holiday in Jamaica

3 years ago

Preach on Roger!! I understand what you are saying, loud and clear. The misuse of homonyms have irked me since the beginning of the internet. I am easily irked.
Illiterates shouldn’t write and writers shouldn’t be illiterate.

3 years ago

What happened to this and the Bimota WSB the seller had for sale? Both auctions are gone and the seller is no longer registered on eBay