Featured Listing: 1979 Honda CBX

Update 6.18.2020: This bike is SOLD! Congratulations to buyer and seller! -dc What’s cooler than a steel-framed classic motorcycle powered by an air-cooled inline six? In the literal sense, almost anything, as no matter how many fins you cast into the block, six 166-cc pistons slamming up and down at 9,000 rpm produce rather a…

Featured Listing: Pristine 1979 Honda CBX

Update: eBay shows sold at $15,500. Congratulations to buyer and seller! -dc The 1979 Honda CBX, a six-cylinder behemoth dressed up as a buttoned-down commuter, was an exercise in weird, but impressive, flex from Honda. As the long run of the original CB750 was at its peak, Big Red decided it was time to show…